Message of the Management

Education is for all” If a child wants to learn then we are all out to support for the cause of education. We at VC understand that a child during schooling days require a lot of support, academically and morally and if the zeal to learn is there with the child we go out of way to support and that’s the value we inculcated from our elders. At VC we not only bring the academic transition but also build the core values required for a better living in the society.

We at VC understand that “There isn’t a choice in these competitive exams, In one minute, they have to be able to answer a question, which can be quite challenging for students who are slow thinkers and who haven’t had much practice in it.”

We take pride in teaching students to survive and grow as individuals in a positive environment and to keep learning, rather than feeling satisfied with themselves at any point in time.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic has definitely given us a lot of new insights into education, within 24 hours, all our students were logging in and taking online classrooms. Assignments were given online, as were any clarifications and counselling.”

The situation had its pros and cons, she says. “Over the last two years, while on this journey, we’ve realized that 100 percent online doesn’t work for most students, maybe only for the very few who have a lot of interest in technology and are motivated and focused.”

It wasn’t only the students struggling to adapt to the new normal. “It was a huge learning for teachers as well, as they battled to retain the students’ attention and ensure that they completed their homework.”

The level of work suffered as well when compared to a classroom program which brought down the efficiency for every student and teacher. It made us realise that a hybrid education was preferable to a purely online or offline program.”